Aardvark Topsites PHP Скрипт рейтинга сайтов, написанный на PHP/MySQL. Script ranking of sites written in PHP / MySQL. Имеет все необходимые функции. It has all the necessary functions. Использует 6 различных методов построения рейтинга, включая количество просмотров. It uses six different methods of constructing rankings, including number of views. Имеет поддержку категорий. It has support for categories. Есть полнофункциональная защита от накрутки рейтинга. There is a full-featured protection from cheats rating. Возможность подтверждения администратором при добавлении новых членов. Ability to confirm the administrator to add new members.
How To Turn Free Information And Other People's Hard Work Into A Six Figure Business
Welcome to the Billion Dollar Clone private access area. In this free training series consisting of three short videos I am going to teach you, in plain English, how to set up an online information product business in a multi-billion dollar industry that desperately requires more good quality 'high end' products. By 'high end' I mean products that you can sell for anything from one hundred to over one thousand dollars a pop. This is an instant business idea that most people are not even aware of and that you can legally clone. No experience required.
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